Portfolio construction



Since 1997, 12-stars performance

A recognised specialist in discretionary mandates

In the frame of discretionary mandates, IAM utilises its know-how and its in-depth knowledge of the European markets for a mandate composed of Europe equities. Europe is considered as one region and the portfolio is composed of about 40 securities. The positioning is based on sector and company analysis.

The management of this mandate is based on stock picking, with a bottom-up approach. The following criteria are key to the selection process:

  • Company positioning and long term strategy
  • Level of debt
  • Quality of the management team
  • Earning visibility

For security we prefer companies leader in their sector, taking into account the quality of their finances, their management and the stability of their dividend policy.

In addition to a rigorous fundamental analysis of each company, our financial analyst team maintains close contact with top management either by attending seminars or by meeting managers of other corporate representatives face to face.

Discover our other IAM management mandates:

IAM has over time become a recognised specialist in institutional asset management. We manage various mandates with the requested risk profile, compliant with the legal framework for Swiss pension plans.
